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Waste reduction hinges on the participation and support of employees, managers, and customers. It involves rethinking the way we do things and changing old habits. This is not easy, but rewards abound as resources and money are saved. Below is advice from experts who have first-hand experience motivating people.  

Changing old habits and forming new ones is an ongoing process that begins with exposure to, and assimilation of pertinent information. An individual uses information to create a perception of the relative costs and benefits of adopting a new behavior. If a new practice isn't reinforced by an ongoing perception that benefits outweigh costs, the change will likely be temporary.  

It takes, time, patience, and persistence. Here are some ideas that have been used in other businesses to educate and motivate employees to reduce waste.  

Creative Images 

In our information age where we are bombarded with all kinds of information, it is important to make your message stand out. The right visual impressions can actually be stronger than words.  

·         Use a catchy logo and slogan for your program.  

·         Create pictures and graphics to jazz up written materials, recycling containers, and coffee mugs.  

·         Show people how much waste they generate using photos, videos, displays, clip art, or posters.  

·         Present a short video to employees.  

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"We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn."

-- Dr. Peter Drucker,  Austrian-born American management consultant, educator