ALC Accredited Life Coach Certified Life Coach Business Coaching Intuitive Federation  Life Coach Certification Federation Council Institute association Certified

About The ALCC Accredite Life Coach Commission Board - Global Certification Body


About The CILC™and ALC™ Institute Training and Certification 
Life Coach Training and Certification from the LCBSI Life Coach Board of Standards International
  • Teach people to take charge of their life, career, and state of well being.
  • Coaching professionals on optimizing business success.
  • Help others learn to interpersonal communications in business and personal relationships.
  • Inspire others to grow their business and increase money making abilities
  • Convey solutions to problems to your clients for family, friends, career, and health.
  • Educate others on how to build professional relationships & learn to network.
  • Coach your cleints on how to renew thier professional or spiritual lives
  • Help people build character in body mind and soul through constructive strategies.
We can help.
  • MBA style hollistic approach to training and certification 
  • Representatives from Hong Kong to New York to San Francisco 
  • Obtain the knowledge and cross training to use in your business or help others to optimize their own lives 
  • Achieve Board Certification that can enhance your career 
  • Use our Board Certified Post-Nominals on your business cards, promotional materials, websites and brochures. 
  • In house training or one on one training can be provided. 
  • Help Maximize the success of others 
  • Get paid doing what you love.
The Founders of our Global Standards Board are CEOs, Executives, Professors, and industry experts from around the globe. We desire to raise standards and ethics in Management Consulting. Our Management Standards Board awards specialized board certifications, designations, and charters in the fields of: business, finance, management, marketing, human resources, risk management, international tax, and consulting fields to qualified professionals who have completed internationally recognized or accredited exams & education, government recognized degrees and documented management credentials and experience. See our list of Certifications 
Click Here to Submit Resume & Request Review if you are qualified under our graduate requirements and public policies. Accredited Program Exams and Education is Required. As listed in the US and EU Departments of Education, Governments, and the Council of Higher Education, our Certifying Body takes pride in recognizing of and promoting the highest ranked government accredited business and management education and exams in the world.
If you have the experience and have completed an accredited degree and exams from an AACSB International, ACBSP Business School, EFMD, EQUIS or ABA Accredited Law School, THEN you may be eligible for Board Certification from our Graduate Board of Standards after your submission of evidence and documentation for the Board's Graduate review. Our International Board of Business Certification has fellows and members in over 150 countries around the world.
The Certification Board fosters quality education standards and advances professional quality standards in the field of global business certification and professional designations; facilitates the exchange of information and ideas among people in academic, business, and government professions who are concerned with competency assurance, education in international business; encourages and fosters research activities that advance knowledge in international business. We maintain graduate criteria, standards, ethics and certification standards for professional designations worldwide and maintains an Academic PDAC Professional Designation Accreditation Commission.
" Business Certifications and Management Professional Designations for Graduate Professionals " Government Backed Accredited Education & Exams Required ™
Click to Select a Certification and Apply. 

*Certifications awarded by the Global Board of Management or Awarded/Licensed from the Board of Standards

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Motto and Mission

"We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn."

-- Dr. Peter Drucker,  Austrian-born American management consultant, educator