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Towards the end of the 20th century, business management came to consist of six separate branches, namely:


  • Almanac of Policy Issues — Introduction to policy issues in nine categories (e.g., criminal justice, education, environment), plus links to additional sources.
  • American National Election Studies — Data on voting, public opinion, and political participation.
  • American Political Science Association — Links related to political science and civic education, plus scholarly essays in these fields.
  • AP Comparative Government and Politics Course Home Page — Designed for teachers of advanced placement courses, this site has many resources useful to any teacher of government and politics.
  • Campaigns and Elections — An online version of the magazine focused on all things political, this site also features a large directory of political blogs.
  • Center for American Women and Politics — Fact sheets on women in politics, analyses of how women candidates did in recent elections, and information about such topics as the impact of term limits on women officeholders. From Rutgers University.
  • Center for Information and Research in Civic Learning and Engagement — This center at Tufts University presents research on civic learning and civic participation among young people. Also available is the 2003 report The Civic Mission of Schools.
  • Charters of Freedom — The National Archives provides background on the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
  • Choices Project — Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies presents teaching resources on foreign policy issues. Especially useful is the timely way in which the site addresses current topics in the news.
  • CNN Inside Politics — Current news about political issues and topics.
  • C-SPAN Classroom — Teacher resources designed to facilitate use of C-SPAN’s coverage of political events.
  • Democracy @ Work — This student-oriented site from Scholastic helps students delve into their government. Among the site’s features is a section on presidential and parliamentary democracies.
  • Directory of U.S. Political Parties — Attorney Ron Gunzburger describes minor and major parties in the United States.
  • E-Democracy Resource Links — Steven Clift of provides links to sources on the use of the Internet and other electronic tools in democracy.
  • Foreign Policy Association — News and resources on issues related to foreign policy.
  • Inside Politics — Among the resources on this page from Professor Darrell West of Brown University are reports on e-government internationally and within the United States.
  • International Affairs Resources — More than 2,600 links categorized by region and topic. Maintained by Wayne Selcher at Elizabethtown College.
  • International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance — A good site to learn about democracy building around the world.
  • Intute: Social Sciences: Politics — Extensive set of links to sites on politics.
  • KidsVoting — Home page of the national educational project focused on voting.
  • Miller Center of Public Affairs — This University of Virginia site presents oral history interviews and other resources about the presidency and video of forums on such wide-ranging topics as international law in the age of terrorism, American theocracy, and intercollegiate athletics.
  • National Center for Learning and Citizenship — The Education Commission for the States provides information on service learning, policy briefs on civic education, and tools for assessing civic competencies and school climate.
  • MIT Open Courseware: Political Science — MIT presents materials from a broad range of political science courses (sample titles: Feminist Political Thought; The Supreme Court, Civil Liberties, and Civil Rights; Causes and Prevention of War ). Materials include lecture notes, reading lists, and assignments.
  • National Issues Forums — Provides downloadable discussion materials on a wide array of policy issues—from health care and immigration to teen pregnancy and terrorism.
  • Open Secrets — Calling itself the “guide to the money in American elections,” this site provides detailed information about political contributions at the state and national levels. Maintained by the Center for Responsive Politics.
  • Pew Research Center — Billing itself as a nonpartisan “fact tank,” the Pew Research Center provides “provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world.”
  • Policy Agendas Project — This site from the Center for American Politics and Public Policy allows users to track policy changes since World War II.
  • Policy Review — An online journal of politics and policy, based at the Hoover Institution.
  • Political Information — A specialized search engine locating information on politics, policy, and political news. Also presents features on using the Internet for political advocacy.
  • Political Science Quarterly — This scholarly journal makes selected articles available free online.
  • Political Science Resource Centre: Glossary of Terms — The publishing company Thomson Nelson provides this useful set of definitions for political science students.
  • Political Science Resources — Extensive links on U.S. politics from the University of Michigan library.
  • — Highlights from national polls are presented on this site as the polls are released.
  • Project Vote Smart — Information on candidates and elected officials, tools for tracking action in Congress, and background and links related to politics and government.
  • Public Agenda — The research organization Public Agenda provides results of opinion polls on an array of policy issues.
  • Richard Kimber's Political Science Resources — This site from a British political scientist provides international political science and government links.
  • Think Tanks Directory — Harvard University’s library provides this set of links to nearly 100 think tanks engaged in policy analysis.
  • Urban Institute — Online research reports on the immigrant experience, reentry of prisoners into society, housing discrimination, health care for children, and more.
  • What Is Democracy? — An introduction to democracy and related concepts from the U.S. State Department.
  • Writing in Political Science — The Writing Center at the University of North Carolina provides this guide for writing in the discipline of political science.

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"We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn."

-- Dr. Peter Drucker,  Austrian-born American management consultant, educator