ALC Accredited Life Coach Certified Life Coach Business Coaching Intuitive Federation  Life Coach Certification Federation Council Institute association Certified


Leading Professional Organizations for Events.
American Academy of Financial Management ®
Academy of Management Global Consultation Division
American Association of Consultants
Association of Internal Management Consultants
Institute of Management Consulting Firms
International Marketing Organization
European Federation of Management Consultancy Organisations
Institute for E-Business Consultants Worldwide
Management Consultancies Association in United Kingdom
Professional and Technical Consultants Association
AAPM ® Project Management Commission International
Commission for Human Resource Management
International Board of Standards
Argentina -- Consejo Asesor de Empresas Consultoras
Australia -- Board of Management Consultants - Australia
Austria -- Fachverband Unternehmensberatung Und Datenverabeitung
Bangladesh -- Board of Management Consultants - Bangladesh
Bulgaria -- Bulgarian Association of Management Consulting Organizations
Canada -- Board of Management Consultants - Canada
Cyprus -- Cyprus Board of Business Consultants
Denmark -- Foreningen af ManagementKonsulenter
Finland -- The Finnish Management Consultants LJK
France -- Office Professionnel de Qualification des Conseils en Management/OPQCM
Germany -- Bundesverband Deutcscher Unternehmensberater - BDU e.V
Greece -- Hellenic Association of Management Consulting Firms
Hungary -- Association of Mangement Consultants in Hungary
India -- The Board of Management Consultants of India
Indonesia -- The Board of Management Consultants of Indonesia
Ireland -- Board of Management Consultants - Ireland
Italy -- APCO, Associazione Professionale Italiana Dei Consulenti Di Direzione Ed Organizzazione
Japan -- Zen Noh Ren
Malaysia -- Board of Management Consultants - Malaysia
Norway -- Norges Bedriftsrådgiverforening
Netherlands -- Ooa, Orde van organisatiekundigen en-adviseurs
New Zealand -- Board of Management Consultants New Zealand Incorporated
Poland -- Association of Economic Consultants
Singapore -- Board of Management Consultants - Singapore
South Africa -- Board of Management Consultants - South Africa
Spain -- Instituto de Consultores de Organizacion y Direccion
Sweden -- Swedish Association of Management Consultants
Switzerland -- ASCO, Association Suisse des Conseils en Organisation et Gestion
United Kingdom -- Board of Management Consultants - UK
United States -Board of Management Consultants - USA

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Motto and Mission

"We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn."

-- Dr. Peter Drucker,  Austrian-born American management consultant, educator