ALC Accredited Life Coach Certified Life Coach Business Coaching Intuitive Federation  Life Coach Certification Federation Council Institute association Certified

Recognition - Board of Standards - Coaching


Since 1996, the International Board of Standards and the Academy has been promoting graduate standards for certification.  Since our inception with the chartering of the Graduate Leadership Institute in 1997, the Academy has been focused on quality assurance with accredited education, exams, assessment, education, ethics, and continuing education.  Further, applicants must have the necessary experience in research and publications in the area of public policy and political analysis.

Our Global Recognition includes members from over 100 countries around the world and alliances with some of the top associations, agencies, top educational institutions, NGO Non governmental Organizations, and leading industry.


ANSI   United Nations CHEA

  Association of Economists  Unitar  CEC   Department of Labor

AAFM Royal Society  Academy of Project ManagersACBS-P

Arab Academy    NBEA    International business association Politics Governmentmanagement consultant certification certified

european education associtionInstitute Credential Excellence

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Motto and Mission

"We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn."

-- Dr. Peter Drucker,  Austrian-born American management consultant, educator