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·         Create a contest and award prizes or trophies (reused, of course).  

·         Financially reward employees for ideas that generate significant cost savings and waste reduction.  

·         Offer discounts to employees who purchase coffee using their own washable mug.  

·         Recognize employee's waste reduction efforts in front of others.  

Involve Employees 

Employees best know how operations work and are critical to the success of any program.  

·         Solicit ideas from employees involve them so they have ownership in the program.  

·         Let employees be part of the decision-making process; invite employees to participate in a waste reduction team that is responsible for implementing waste reduction practices.  

·         Ask employees to make a waste reduction pledge.  

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"We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn."

-- Dr. Peter Drucker,  Austrian-born American management consultant, educator